

Get an inside look at CWC's 户外教育 program

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户外教育 & Leadership degree program is for the student interested in careers in outdoor education, 环境教育, 冒险的编程, 或保护. This unique program combines wilderness expeditions and outdoor skills courses with natural history and a liberal arts curriculum. The program emphasizes leadership development and experience-based education. CWC’s 高山科学研究所 offers a range of courses that use non-motorized travel (hiking, skiing, mountain biking and whitewater rafting) to visit and learn about remote wilderness areas in and around the Wyoming Rockies.

户外教育 & Leadership program is a 4-semester program for the student ready for college-level courses. A student who places into pre-college math or English courses may require a preparatory semester before beginning the four-semester program. Most majors choose to live at the 高山科学研究所 (ASI) near Lander, WY. In the foothills of the Wind River Mountains, ASI offers unparalleled opportunities for reflective solitude, 户外探险, 以及对自然世界的研究. The student pays an equipment fee which grants access to mountain bikes, 雪自行车, 越野滑雪和下坡滑雪, 滑雪板, rafts, canoes, paddleboards, 登山和露营装备.

The student has the option to spend up to one full semester taking wilderness-based courses with the Nols. Nols offers educational expeditions at remote, pristine locations in the US and abroad. To receive college credit for Nols courses, students must enroll concurrently in the appropriate corresponding course at CWC. For example, CWC students taking a Nols semester course should be enrolled in G&R-2050, G&R-2031和educo -2050. 有关Nols的更多信息,请访问www.nols.Edu或致电1-800-710-6657.

CWC’s 户外教育与领导 is unique in four ways

  • 户外教育 Center at Sinks Canyon with student housing
  • Focus on experiential education and partnership with the NOLS
  • 杰出的教师
  • World-class location in the foothills of the Wyoming Rockies at the 高山科学研究所.

作为项目的一部分, there is an option to spend up to one full semester taking wilderness-based courses with the NOLS. NOLS offers these educational expeditions at remote, pristine locations in the U.S. and abroad. 修习nools课程可获大学学分, enroll concurrently in the appropriate corresponding course at CWC. For more information on NOLS offerings visit the NOLS website. 

课程数量 Course Credits
BIOL 1080环境科学导论4
EDUC 1055户外教育概论3
ORTM 2470户外教育实习4
ORTM 1000娱乐的基础 & Tourism3
ORTM 2410户外的领导3
HLED 2010荒野急救员4
HLED 2015荒野EMT9
Students must choose seven (7) additional credits from the OEAC courses above or from the following list of approved courses:
课程数量 Course Credits
ANTH 1300考古学概论3
ANTH 2022岩画 & 原始艺术3
ART 2145数码摄影I3
ASTR 1050天文学概览4
ASTR 1070地球:它的物理环境4
ATSC 2000气象学概论4
ATSC 2110气候学概论4
BIOL 1010普通生物学I4
BIOL 1020生命科学4
BIOL 2002全球生态3
COMM 1005跨文化沟通3
COMM 2130人际关系3
COMM 4050沟通与冲突3
CNSL 1310个人成长小组1
CNSL 2300帮助专业人员咨询3
CNSL 2310团体辅导简介3
CNSL 2320上瘾的评估3
CNSL 2330为不同人群提供咨询3
CNSL 2340心理咨询理论3
EDFD 2020教育基础3
EDFD 2450人类寿命发展3
EDUC 2015户外教育工作者:1-5
EDUC 2045户外领导指导员1-5
EDUC 2050户外教育 & Leadership1-5
ENR 1005Trailbuilding我1-3
ENR 2005Trailbuilding 24
ENR 2150NAI认证解说指南3
ENR 2425山的环境4
G&R 2032冬天的考察:1-5
G&R 2033攀岩:1-5
G&R 2034水考察:1-5
G&R 2035河流救援证书1
G&R 2050环境伦理学 & 管理:1-5
GIST 2110制图技术4
GIST 2135GPS在GIS中的应用3
GIST 2310地理信息系统导论4
GEOL 1070地球:它的物理环境4
GEOL 1100物理地质4
GEOL 1200历史地质学4
GEOL 1470环境地质4
HIST 1270风河的印第安人3
HLED 2015荒野EMT9
NAIS 1005跨文化沟通3
NAIS 1350当代社会中的美国印第安人3
NAIS 2000风河的印第安人3
NAIS 2290北美印第安人的历史3
OEAC 1400雪崩等级11
OEAC 2020登山:1-5
OEAC 2030野外徒步旅行:1-5
OEAC 2031综合考察:1-5
OEAC 2400雪崩2级2
ORTM 1100自行车修理工3
ORTM 2100山地自行车技术教练2
PSYC 1250人的潜能研讨会1
PSYC 2210药物与行为3
ZOO 1200人类生物学3
ZOO 2015人体解剖学4
写作一级(WR1) 3 credits
写作二级(WR2) 3 credits
American & 怀俄明州政府(POLS 1000) 3 credits
ARTS 3 credits
HUM 3 credits
LSCI (程序)
MATH 3 credits
ORAL 3 credits
SOC 3 credits
UNST 1 credits



CWC 户外教育 enjoys a truly world class location, adjoining the nation’s first national forest. We are a 2-hour drive to Jackson Hole, Grand Teton, and Yellowstone National Parks. 从后门出去, Sinks Canyon State Park is a stunning outdoor playground which serves as a gateway to the Wind River Mountains. 水槽是石灰石的故乡, Sandstone, 和花岗岩攀岩, 洞穴系统, 山地自行车和滑雪道, and some of the best fly-fishing in the country.

Sinks Canyon conveniently borders both the sub-alpine and high desert ecosystems where elk, 叉角羚, cougars, 土狼是可以被发现的. At CWC our students develop leadership and 户外探险 skills with wilderness as a key part of their college experience.


We offer certifications in Mountain Biking, Trailbuilding, and 荒野EMT



Take the next step in your outdoor leadership journey. This 8-semester program offers students an administrative perspective of the outdoor recreation service industry that includes learning, training, and assessment of leadership and program management skills. The program is especially appropriate for students wishing to: start their own outdoor-related small business, manage an outdoor recreation or education program, 或者从事公园管理工作, recreation, tourism, 或者自然资源管理.


Professor of 户外教育与领导

Darran井 is passionate about all kinds of outdoor activities – hiking, climbing, caving, and skiing, but mountain biking is a sport he dedicates most of his free time to.

Adjunct Professor of 户外教育与领导

Stacy Tostrup Wells has been teaching professionally in the outdoors for more than 20 years.

Adjunct Professor of 户外教育与领导

作为一名本科教授, guide, 项目负责人, 企业培训师和企业主, Jake has been teaching in the outdoors for more than 20 years.