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According to the Wyoming Department of Education, 怀俄明州政府设立了一项奖学金计划,为符合条件的怀俄明学生提供奖学金,供他们就读怀俄明大学或怀俄明七所社区学院之一. 该计划为符合条件的学生提供优异和基于需求的奖励, 根据不同的要求提供四种不同级别的奖学金.”

每个奖学金级别的全日制奖学金金额如下. For Hathaway purposes, 全日制定义为每学期至少修12个非补习(1000级课程或更高)学分. Hathaway is prorated for less than full-time non-remedial enrollment.

Full-time award amounts per semester:
Honors $1,680
Performance $1,260
Opportunity $840
Provisional Opportunity $840

Honors, Performance, and Opportunity Levels:
Students who receive the Honors, Performance, 或机会级别的学生可以获得相当于8个全日制学期(总共96个付费学分)的奖励。. 这些学生可以选择在社区大学使用他们的海瑟薇最多四个全日制学期(48个学分),然后可以在怀俄明大学(UW)使用他们的剩余资格,或者他们可以选择在UW参加所有八个学期的资格.

Provisional Opportunity Level:
获得临时机会级别的学生可以在社区大学获得相当于四个全日制学期(48个带薪学分)的奖励. Should students receive a certificate during those semesters, 奖学金可以在社区学院延长,这样他们就可以攻读额外的证书或副学士学位. 获得副学士学位的学生可以将奖学金(如果他们还没有支付96个学分)转到怀俄明大学攻读学士学位. 

Do I have to reapply for the Hathaway Merit Scholarship?
Students typically do not need to re-apply for Hathaway; however if a student did not complete/submit an application previously, did not initiate their scholarship, OR are transferring to/from another institution, the student WILL need to reapply. Summer awards are not automatic; CWC requires a Summer Hathaway application for those interested, due to the impact summer awards have on remaining eligibility. CWC students who previously received Hathaway, lost eligibility, 并且现在认为他们已经重新获得了奖学金,将需要与财政援助办公室核实.


一个单独的海瑟薇申请需要开始授予过程. For more information about the Hathaway Scholarship, students can view the website or contact their high-school counselor. While not required, 强烈建议学生提交FAFSA,因为学生可能有资格获得联邦奖学金, state, and CWC scholarships and grants.

To learn more about eligibility requirements, go to


Honors – Hathaway GPA 3.5 and ACT composite score of 25 and completion of Success Curriculum

Performance – Hathaway GPA 3.0 and ACT composite score of 21 and completion of Success Curriculum

Opportunity – Hathaway GPA 2.5 and ACT composite score of 19 and completion of Success Curriculum

Provisional Opportunity – Hathaway GPA 2.5分,ACT综合成绩达到17分或WorkKeys成绩达到12分,完成成功课程

Learn more about the Hathaway Success Curriculum requirements:


College requirements to maintain Hathaway each year

According to the Wyoming Department of Education, “In addition to the four levels of the merit scholarships, 学生可能有资格获得基于需求的哈撒韦奖学金. In order to qualify for the need-based portion, 学生必须首先符合择优奖学金的一个等级,学生还必须符合联邦财政援助的资格。. 一旦学生有资格进入哈撒韦大学的一个择优等级,并完成了FAFSA, 学生还必须满足以下要求:未满足的经济需求超过2000美元(2美元),000.00).“学生必须在每个学年完成FAFSA,他们希望被考虑为基于需求的奖励.

According to the Wyoming Department of Education, in addition to the requirements listed in the sections below, “… a student is NOT eligible for Hathaway if the student:

  • Has not demonstrated Wyoming residency;
  • Has not graduated from an eligible Wyoming high school;
  • 不是符合联邦第四章规定的合格非公民定义的美国公民或永久居民;
  • 没有遵守美国兵役登记制度的要求, 如果要求适用于学生(如果学生在18岁之前因任何原因有资格开始获得奖学金资金), 学生必须尽快注册,否则学生将失去资格.;
  • Is in default on a federal Title IV education loan;
  • 根据联邦第四章学生资助计划或随后颁布的类似联邦学生资助计划欠退款;
  • Is incarcerated; or
  • 曾在本州或其他司法管辖区被判犯有重罪,且未被WDE豁免.”

希望使用哈撒韦奖学金的学生必须在特定日期之前申请. Please see the following information:

  • 高中学生:学生必须在入学后四(4)年内申请奖学金 date 毕业,并开始使用奖学金的下一个项目学期.
  • 家庭教育学生:完成家庭教育项目的学生必须在21岁之前申请.
  • HSEC学生:一般获得高中同等学历证书的学生必须等到九年级毕业后再申请, but no later than four (4) years of the date of graduation for their ninth (9) grade cohort.

Please note: 学生必须在申请奖学金的学期开学前提交所有申请材料. 在上课第一天之后收到的申请将被视为下学期的申请.

学生可以在资格窗口期间的学期之间的任何时间转到符合海瑟薇资格的机构. 请通知两所学校的财政援助办公室转奖学金.

Funding may only be received from one institution at a time, 因此,在两所(或更多)院校修读课程的学生必须向HOME(学位授予机构)申请. A Consortium Agreement is required in these cases. Contact CWC’s Financial Aid Office for more information.

For any questions please contact Kathryn DeWitt: or (307) 855-2321.